Community Ministries

All God's Creatures Animal Ministry
To support the Mission and Ministry of All God's Creatures at Iona-Hope Episcopal Church
Moving Forward
The group is open to everyone. Subject areas shared and explored will be coping skills as well as hope for those who are grieving a loss. Your loss may be a loved one, a job, a friendship, a home etc. All attendees are reminded that things discussed during the group meetings are confidential.

Hunger Ministries
Iona-Hope regularly supports the Gladiolus Food Pantry and the South Fort Myers Food Pantry and does collections several times per year to receive food and cash donations to help our community food pantries provide nourishment to families in need.
Justice Ministry
The LIFE Organization is comprised of many different congregations, who in turn represent many different traditions. Each of our congregations believes something different about the nature and name of god. But, each of us shares a commitment to pursue justice guided by our own faith. We find, in the things we share, the strength that unity can bring. We vow to respect each other for the things we share, and for the ways we are different.

Pastoral Ministry Team (Community of Hope)
Pastoral ministers serve as an ongoing spiritual and sacramental connection between the church, those in the hospital and homebound members through regular visitations, prayer and bringing communion to those who cannot get to church services
Quiet Days & Spirituality Programs
Our spirituality programs are intended to help you deepen your relationship with God through learning and praticing opportunities that are meaningful to you. We offer quiet days periodically.

Recovery Groups/12 step AA
Iona-Hope makes its facilities available for a number of recovery groups-AA, Al-Anon etc.
Shawl Ministry
The shawl ministry is a group of compassionate, talented individuals who are committed to producing tangible representations of Christ's comforting love for community members who are experiencing difficult and challenging events in their lives. Membership is open to those within & without Iona-Hope Church. We begin and end meetings with prayer for our work and for those who will receive these shawls. All supplies are given by donations.

Iona-Hope One More Time Thrift Store
Donated resale items at the One More Time Thrift Store location off Gladiolus Drive in The Shoppes at Paddlecreek Shopping Plaza. Volunteers organize merchandise, help customers, and run the register. Profits support approved non profit organizations through cash grants as outreach in the community and the world.